Sunday, 26 October 2008

RIP ~ Aileenberyl “Betty” Lucas

Lucas Line

"Betty" Aileenberyl Mary Philamena Zambotto (Lucas)
nee Nolan formerly Spry

2 July 1933 ~ Sydney, NSW, Aus
25 Oct 2008 ~ Armadale, WA, Aus
Aged 75 years, 3 months, 23 days

Bill & Betty in their hey day :)

Dear Aunty Betty, may you be flying
with Angels and be pain free.
I bet you and dad are having a ball ;)

Your wit, love and support will be missed!

Please don't shoot me for putting your full name up, it is done with love.

Photo published with permission of Aunty Beverly,
who took this photo a few weeks ago when she visited them

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Marco Family aka Millers

Our Miller and related families had strong ties to the world of 'travelling entertainers' as showman, acrobats, sideshow, circus and even a snakeman. In fact the family is still represented within the business today!

Charlie Miller (1894-1949) was apparently known as the 'Snakeman' around Bingara. Charlie and Emily nee Davis (his wife) were also known as the 'Marco's' within the circuit.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

William C Johnson & Mary Ellen Reeves

John JOHNSON and Elizabeth Smyth

The Johnson family were predominately based around Tamworth and Manilla in New South Wales. As you can see I have very little information on them, are you the person to help us out?

Heather's mother died when she was a lass and she was sent to an orphanage, during her youth she had contact with her mother's family and has fond memories of them, more so than her father's family, which the Johnson's are.

Updated 24 Jan 2015
Because Heather is still with us at 94, 95 this year, I thought it prudent to get her DNA done, to start with I purchased Family Finder, as I have no direct need for mtDNA I will not be upgrading it at this time, however to assist family members, should you wish to upgrade her kit she is part of our "Family Project" and you are welcome to make a donation to her kit to upgrade it, here is the link:

Heather's Family Finder DNA kit is up on Gedmatch, her number is F353615.

Monday, 18 February 2008

William Lucas & Anna Speir

My paternal Lucas branch has been transplanted on Australian soil for 8 generations to date and I have found three brothers making a fresh start here (so far). They were Daniel, the eldest and first to arrive @ 1881 then William and his family along with his youngest brother James in 1885. The brothers appeared to follow in the family tradition of being iron moulders with Daniel having his own company 'Bird & Lucas Pty Ltd' located in the Forest Lodge, Glebe area, Sydney. The company was de-registered in 1985. If anybody has any connection or knowledge of this company I would love to hear from you as I would like to know what they made!

Monday, 11 February 2008

Craft and Johnson Family

Welcome to our CRAFT GENEALOGY

This book incorporates the maternal and paternal line of John Craft ie Andrew John CRAFT and Heather Irene JOHNSON, it is being pursued for our daughter Georgina Craft who has taken an interest in her heritage and has even done a school assignment on Matthew James Everingham, ah how easy was that when mum had all the info?!

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Bebeannah Reeves and Bridget Clarke

This chart is a new addition the Craft Genealogy Section covering the Lancaster Branch - more of Heather's and Gina's ancestors.

It has been compiled purely from NSW BDM Indexes and the Australian Cemetery Indexes, it is definitely open to corrections, additions and adjustments, I was seriously fascinated with the name Bebeannah which is what got me started! Anybody know the history of it? Please come forward.

Bibiana was born about 1823 apparently at Valapariaso, Chile.

There is speculation that he arrived in Australia from Chile on the John Barry which was captained by Robson and sailed from Valparaiso 26th Dec. 1839, sailed from Tahiti 21st Feb. 1840 and arrived at Port Jackson 26th Mar. 1840 with a cargo of 19 mules and 2 asses (11 mules died on the voyage). Three Chilean 'huasos' were steerage passengers to drive the mules, were under a 1 year contract with the Australian Agriculture Co. through Alexander Caldeugh of Santiago and John Bernard. Personally, I have not found anything to confirm this, although I have posted on a few old forum boards to see if I can confirm sources.

Updated 2 Nov 2016: Sadly, Heather is no longer with us, I am very grateful I thought it prudent enough to get her DNA done, to start with I purchased Family Finder, as I have no direct need for mtDNA I will not be upgrading it at this time, however to assist family members, should you wish to upgrade her kit she is part of our "Family Project" and you are welcome to make a donation to her kit to upgrade it, here is the link: Heather's Family Finder DNA kit is up on Gedmatch, her number is T148000.

Monday, 4 February 2008

Who was Henry Gustavus Pockrandt?

Tonight I was answering an email in relation to my Hodges family - which is really my Leahy family, this in turn prompted me to run a search on Pockrandt's yet again. You would think with the name Pockrandt it would be easy to trace! Think again... This would certainly be right up there in my 'hard to trace' branches.

George Robert Miller & Mary Ann Jones


How the Millers came to be in Australia we still haven't discovered!!!

Maybe they swam???

This is definitely one of my brick walls!

From detective work thus far I believe that George & his brother Thomas arrived via Tasmania as Thomas resided, married and had children there. After his wife's death he moved to Bingara, NSW to live near his brother George.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Peter Mundy and Jane Prisk


Peter MUNDY & a pregnant Jane Mundy nee PRISK with their two children Samuel and Jane were the first to arrive in Sydney, Australia on 13th November 1848 onboard the 'General Hewitt'.
The 'General Hewitt' was an agricultural ship which left Plymouth on 12th Aug 1848. From the shipping records we find that both Peter and Jane could read & write and were in good health, below is an extract from the shipping records.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Winifred (Elizabeth) Burke

Winifred married twice so I have included a chart here which includes her descendant's only

Descendants of Winifred (Elizabeth) FRITCHLEY Formerly SAICH m/s BURKE

Monday, 21 January 2008

Henry William Lenard and Mary Jane Brett

Just because I felt sorry for dear Alice being left out, I decided to put this one up in her honour.

Please note this is NOT confirmed lineage just what I've found cruising genealogy sites, if you are related please feel free to get in touch and share details for my sons' heritage.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Blogging and Social Networking

Following on from my first post I have continued my foray into social networking and blogging. Boy hasn't it been a journey!

So far I have jumped into facebook and linkedin, I have even learned about feedburner and rss which always seemed so difficult to me previously, but I believe I have it now, kinda easy actually when you take the time to read the actual tutorials instead of skimming over them.

One thing that struck me, there really does seem to be the same set of people who move around and into "social networking" scenes, each time I joined and then entered my address book it was the same people over and over again that kept popping up. Although I must say I ran across 3 cousins, 1 really grown up and that made me feel even older than my years as the last time I saw him he was a teenager ;) and now he's 23 (well almost). Now this aspect is a genealogists dream to re-connect to people so that is all GOOD. I also came across a couple of fellow researchers that I have been too busy to contact, the opportunity to renew those links is great as well.

While researching about blogging I came across an interesting article by Gerard McGarry about "Nobody Links Out Anymore" which I found at digg, being a fellow drupal watcher I found it interesting, maybe you will find it helpful too?

Well that seems to be a lot about nothing, but I have to get into the groove somehow and it's also reminding me to reference, reference and reference - I hear the echo of my teacher at TAFE there! That is something we family researchers should be doing with every breath we breathe.

George Melrose ~ Surveyor

Obituary Notice from Sydney Morning Herald, August 20th, 1903.

Mr. George Melrose, Licensed surveyor, died at his residence, at Ashfield, early on Tuesday morning, in his 74th year, and his remains were interred yesterday

Friday, 18 January 2008

Baby steps into the future

Tonight I have taken a few more baby steps into the 'modern' world of blogging..
Whilst researching genealogical DNA testing (thanks to maternal cousin Fay who had this done) I came across The Genetic Genealogist which is an awesome site on explaining genetic genealogy via Technorati, after reading through fascinating articles I found a contest being run where you can win a free DNA test, so me being me had to join up to Technorati and then MyBlogLog to enter.
Sooo, here I am getting back into blogging and learning what to do and how to do it *sigh* talk about confusing, should have just tried one at a time instead of doing both together, but hey I like challenges!
Would be cool to win the competition though, had been thinking of having a test for a while, actually would really rather have my elder uncle on my father's side do the test to try and nail down our dead-end Lucas Scots but I would really like mine done...mmmm... ponders the likely hood.
Well, that's a good start don't ya think?

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Dear G.G.G.G.Grandma Lydia by Glynis Wheeler

"Dear G.G.G.G.Grandma Lydia,"

I have recently returned from visiting the beautiful parish church in Madron, Cornwall, England where you were christened in September, 1811. My husband & I walked around the grounds of this church where you and your big brothers - William, b.1807 and Charles, b.1807 played.