This chart is a new addition the Craft Genealogy Section covering the Lancaster Branch - more of Heather's and Gina's ancestors.
It has been compiled purely from
NSW BDM Indexes and the Australian Cemetery Indexes, it is definitely open to corrections, additions and adjustments, I was seriously fascinated with the name Bebeannah which is what got me started! Anybody know the history of it? Please come forward.
Bibiana was born about 1823 apparently at Valapariaso, Chile.
There is speculation that he arrived in Australia from Chile on the John Barry which was captained by Robson and sailed from Valparaiso 26th Dec. 1839, sailed from Tahiti 21st Feb. 1840 and arrived at Port Jackson 26th Mar. 1840 with a cargo of 19 mules and 2 asses (11 mules died on the voyage). Three Chilean 'huasos' were steerage passengers to drive the mules, were under a 1 year contract with the Australian Agriculture Co. through Alexander Caldeugh of Santiago and John Bernard. Personally, I have not found anything to confirm this, although I have posted on a few old forum boards to see if I can confirm sources.
Updated 2 Nov 2016: Sadly, Heather is no longer with us, I am very grateful I thought it prudent enough to get her DNA done, to start with I purchased Family Finder, as I have no direct need for mtDNA I will not be upgrading it at this time, however to assist family members, should you wish to upgrade her kit she is part of our "Family Project" and you are welcome to make a donation to her kit to upgrade it, here is the link: Heather's Family Finder DNA kit is up on Gedmatch, her number is T148000.