Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Joining the Genealogy Do-Over Challenge

If you have followed me here and over at Facebook you'll know that I have had some database issues and disasters over the years, this past year I have spent the time attempting to 'fix' the problems and I feel as though I am getting nowhere fast.

However, 2015 is a whole new year and I am tired of wasting my time trying to 'fix' it, so I am going to join Thomas McEntee and throw it all out and start fresh, oh boy this is going to be a HUGE and wondrous journey.  Completely re-sourcing every single item, along with new ones, one person at a time.

If you are game and would like to join me, see here

I am happy with my existing digital filing system which I set up a few years ago, it works for me, so that will remain, could certainly be tidied up further though!

Here is a sample of my 'filing'.  I discovered last night that I don't have everything in my hard copy collection scanned when I went searching for my mothers baptism certificates, so that will be a priority, one person at a time, get it scanned and documented.
Person filing system

I also have an easy reference Index which pulls all documents with a certain prefix, ie D-Death, CEN-Census etc so I can easily find them.  You can see there are multiple copies of items here because of the duplication into the FamilyTreeMaker Media system, this will all be removed as I go along, exciting!
Indexes for easy viewing of "pre-fixed" documents
I think, only 'think' at this stage, that I am going to dump all mainstream programs and move to open source Gramps, if I can get the hang of it.  I currently have FTMM3, Reunion 10 and Legacy 7, I decided to completely switch to Mac because I can never get Parallels and Windows to play nicely, the program I will miss the most is something that I only started using in the past year, Clooz, which sadly is only Windows based so won't be coming with me.  Bonus,his Genealogy Do-Over will save me a tonne of money in that I won't have to pay for "updates" and "upgrades" to so many programs.

This has all been prompted because I signed up for the 'Introduction to Family History' module at the University of Tasmania which a cousin put me on to, thanks Jan! At first I thought nah, but decided to do it and see what I could learn, well, I can tell you it has been an eye opener so far.  Oral History?  I never thought of that having any structure, research plans?  I'm pretty organised, but wow, now I have a whole fresh outlook, which is what my genealogy needs.   

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