Saturday, 12 January 2013

Kiva Commemorative Loan in memory of Joan Miller

I read with sadness that Joan Miller of Luxegen Genealogy passed away on 4 Jan 2013.  Joan was co-captain (with Judy Webster) of Genealogists for Families, a Kiva lending team that I belong to.  Her daughter Heather has asked that loans be made via Kiva in Joan's memory.

So, in memory of Joan my 10th Kiva loan will be a commemorative loan to her.

If you would like to help a worthy cause, please join our group, we would love to have you onboard we have 225 members and to date we have made donations to the value of $40,350, how wonderful is that?

R.I.P. Joan!


  1. Thanks for making a loan in memory of Joan. I'm sure her family, friends and Kiva team members will all appreciate that.

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